There might be one or another secret URL, though.
For those who are curious what happened to me: Here are some pictures from where I lived together with my girlfriend Kristina in 1998/1999. This is where I used to study at the time and this MSc thesis with the NILE neural networks simulator is the result of the most satisfying experience of my life so far.
(really old stuff following):
Please visit my playground if you want to know more about myself.
Anyway, here's my Stuff:
HILFE ! Die freie Meinungsäußerung steht auf dem Spiel !
Anwalt Steinhöfel zieht
gegen Michael Best vor Gericht (Streitwert 40.000 DM), weil dieser
einen Link auf eine Satire-Seite gesetzt hatte, die
wiederum einen Link auf Herrn Steinhöfels Web-Site beinhaltete.
(For all english speakers: sorry for writing the above paragraph in german. See freedom for links for what it's about)
Special: Report about Internet on Ice (german)
My playground - SLINKs Pages
SLINKs wonderful world of MPEG Layer 3 Audio
SLINKish personal Information - Includes PGP-Key