The NILE package includes code written in COMMON LISP (implemented for CMU CL and Allegro CL) for artificial neural network simulations. Up to now, layered feed-forward and Elman recurrent networks are supported. It has been used so far to implement some simple simulations of language evoluation. The code, compiled with CMU CL 18b under Solaris Sparc, outperforms at least one commonly known ANN package written in C (see thesis for details, link below).

Unfortunately the documentation of this package as well as the parts of the code are still in a messy and incomplete state, nevertheless I wanted to release it in order to allow others to make use of this work as soon as possible.

This code grew out of an MSc project at the School of AI of the University of Edinburgh.
A gzipped postscript file of my MSc thesis: and converted to PDF

The code:  nile_0.2b.tar.gz

This page is still to be redone properly.

Nils Goroll,, September 28, 1999