... are still under construction - don't worry about links that don't work...

Thank you for stopping by at SLINKs personal Pages.

This is my playground - if you're just interested in business-stuff, go back to my business-homepage. Otherwise you may want to discover what moves my life.

MySelf ? Who am I ? What's going on ? Huh ?
Until I manage to bring all these pages up to date and may even find something interesting to say about myself, here are some pictures from Edinburgh where I now live together with my girlfriend Kristina...

Move ! Dance ! Be born !
Music plays a very important role in my life. And I like very different styles of music...

What's that - ART ?
I don't know. Here you'll find some poetry I wrote some years ago and information about art-events, TV-Shows and Net-Pages I like.

My friends ...
Find out about the people around me. My only problem: I never have enough time to meet them. :-(

First of all - take a look at my documentation of the "internet on ice" project in Hamburg... Unfortunately it's in german language

Business stuff..
Go back to my Business Homepage...

(C)opyright 1996 SLINK (Nils Goroll)