Here're some of my friends...

The following list doen't mean any preference of certain people. If you think i've forgotten to mention you, you may complain about that.. ;-)

Visit of some friends to Scotland
Here are some photos of some friends who visited us (Kristina and me) in Scotland, where we live now (YES ! Most of these pages are very much out of date, also the rest of this one!). It features Klaus Atze's 30th birthday with typical scottish weather and the truth about Killin.

is one of the two guys i used to share the same flat in hamburg with. You'll find him very often on IRC as ^wolf^ on on Channel #irchelp.

alias Matthias is one of the guys i study with. I'd like to especcially thank him for all the good CDs I got from him.

Jetzt ma hier ! I really like this nick i gave Christian. Hey - I'm really looking forward to our france-trip !

is also one of my friends at the University. And remember: Do never say anything bad about the HSV (Hamburger Sportverein Soccer Club)...
St. Pauli
win ! ;-)) [Hey, Jaschoko, laß' Dich nicht ärgern...]

is a real Linux-maniac. There shall be no other operating-systems beside me. ;-)
Anyway, I'm very glad that Lars's is now one of my collegues at CityLine.

My lovely neighbours... ;-)
Our friendship began with hard knocking on the wall: Hey Nils, turn down the volume ! Flavia, one of them, left annoyed messages on my flat-mate's answering machine, so my first thought was that they MUST be really stupid... But aren't... Especially Esther, she's SOOOOO sweet, noone can't be more angel-like than her... Gut the ironic ? ;-)

Oh and - i didn't build up their internet connection yet, so you can't reach them virtually. But you may write email to Esther or Flavia. But be patient - they don't read their mail on my machine regularily. be continued... [I'll complete this list soon]


(C)opyright 1996 SLINK (Nils Goroll)